This impressive slideshow is worth downloading and saving — it goes through some of the most innovative business models developed in 2010, and reveals how they work in nicely organized schematics.

Enjoy! And innovate!

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Kent Anderson

Kent Anderson

Kent Anderson is the CEO of RedLink and RedLink Network, a past-President of SSP, and the founder of the Scholarly Kitchen. He has worked as Publisher at AAAS/Science, CEO/Publisher of JBJS, Inc., a publishing executive at the Massachusetts Medical Society, Publishing Director of the New England Journal of Medicine, and Director of Medical Journals at the American Academy of Pediatrics. Opinions on social media or blogs are his own.


6 Thoughts on "10 New Business Models in 2010 — A Primer on Innovation"

I saw this last week and was struck by two things, firstly most if not ALL of these models are not NEW in any sense, simply old models applied well to new circumstances. They use OLD models to take advantage of disruptions in the current system.

The second point is that the barrier to successfully employing any of these “new” models is technological rather than conceptual. Do you have the technology to harvest data for resale? Do you have the know how to build an in-app purchase system? Do you have the capacity to bundle products and sell at the right price when sufficient folks come on board? Do you have the technology to stream content to subscribers and monitor their usage?

On a general point this technological issue is made clearer when you consider that publishers are currently employing some of these models but in what might be considered old school ways. Subscription, group buying, partnership, you could even argue in some ways (at least some authors would), micro-payments!

Note this recent counterpoint to the inclusion of Spotify here, and the hopes for a US launch anytime soon:

Spotify is a hugely popular business, with lots of potential that it may never fulfill. The company simply hasn’t demonstrated a means to pay for the music it gives away to users–or said another way, the company’s business model appears to be broken. If it’s not broken, it is certainly unconvincing.

You may recall that my talk at the Charleston Conference, which will appear as an article in Against the Grain, discussed two of these models, and Kickstarter, in the context of “crowdfunding” for scholarly books.

This presentation is amazing. Simply mind blowing. From a creative perpective, it’s not that these will all succeed … but the churn of ideas paired with transparency is illuminating! Barrier breakdown.

It’s hard to envision what the radical
will be in ten years?  If the innovations continue at the pace
of the past ten years, wow!

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