QR Codes in a Journal — Printing Little Computer Programs for Mobile Integrations
A renowned surgery journal experiments with QR Codes to leverage the mobile Web. Will it work?
A renowned surgery journal experiments with QR Codes to leverage the mobile Web. Will it work?
Some early observations on the iPhone 4. I will leave the technical reviews to others and just focus on what the new iPhone 4 means for publishers, and particularly STM and scholarly publishers.
Information wants to be free? Then why are expenditures for information skyrocketing? Maybe the pendulum has swung back to “information wants to be expensive.”
Do stickers point to integrated data in the real-world? Or is augmented reality easier to accomplish? What could data integrated into the real world mean to science and research?
Mobile connectivity is trending upward, and may eclipse other forms in the coming years. What will that mean for publishers?
Text messaging and its social and linguistic effects are examined in a new book.