First-Hand Publishing Experiences: Researcher Panel at SSP’s New Directions Seminar
A diverse panel of researchers shared their first-hand publishing experiences at the 2024New Directions seminar.
A diverse panel of researchers shared their first-hand publishing experiences at the 2024New Directions seminar.
The World Conferences on Research Integrity Foundation (WCRIF) is building a network of early career researchers and professionals in research integrity to promote peer-to-peer mentorship, supports researchers in furthering their careers in RI, and fostering a global community that supports research with integrity.
To what extent are scholarly publishers and societies actively engaging with early career researchers? Findings from a white paper, and polls at the SSP annual meeting, are shared.
This guest post by Sami Benchekroun and Michelle Kuepper of Morressier highlights some of the tools available for digitizing conferences and disseminate important early stage research information.
Early stage (pre-prepublication) research can usually only be shared at conferences. New platform Morressier aims to change this, as co-founder Sami Benchekroun explains in this interview,
An overview of recent events and the current state of preprints in the scholarly communications landscape.
It was a little while back now that a controversial blogger attacked one or more of the authors of the Scholarly Kitchen for being former academics, questioning whether such people should be working in publishing. In today’s post, Phill Jones argues that such rhetoric contributes to a stigma that is damaging to the health of academia.