Phill is a co-founder with responsibility for digital and technology at MoreBrains Consulting Cooperative, where he acts as a principal consultant for a range of clients in open science infrastructure, scholarly publishing, and digital product innovation. Immediately prior to MoreBrains, Phill was running his own independent consultancy called Double L Digital. He’s a member of the Learned Publishing Editorial Board and volunteers on the SSP annual conference committee and funder task force. He’s also a member of the advisory board for the Researcher to Reader conference.
Previously, Phill was the CTO at Emerald Publishing. Before that, he held a series of roles at Digital Science, including Director of Publishing Innovation and a senior role in the consultancy division. He was also the first Editorial Director at Journal of Visualized Experiments.
In a former life, Phill was a cross-disciplinary researcher at Imperial College, London, UK Atomic Energy Authority, and Harvard Medical school. His career spanned plasma physics, biomedical engineering and neuroscience.