Ken Wissoker is the Editorial Director of Duke University Press, acquiring books in anthropology, cultural studies, and social theory; globalization and post-colonial theory; Asian, African, and American studies; music, film and television; race, gender and sexuality, and other areas in the humanities, social sciences, media, and the arts. He moved to Durham to join the Press as an Acquisitions Editor in 1991; became Editor-in-Chief in 1997, before being named Editorial Director in 2005. Wissoker is the author of the recent Cinema Journal essay “The Future of the Book as a Media Project and the earlier Chronicle of Higher Education articles “Scholarly Monographs Are Flourishing, Not Dying” and “Negotiating a Passage between Disciplinary Borders” the latter of which was later reprinted with responses from five social scientists in the Social Science Research Council newsletter, Items and Issues. A three-part interview with him by Adeline Koh appeared in April 2013 on the Prof. Hacker blog.