The Scholarly Kitchen welcomes non-commercial guests posts covering topics relevant to scholarly communications. These include (but are not limited to) scholarly publishing, copyright, open access, editorial practices, librarianship, bookselling, research funding, research policy, etc. There are no requirements for educational background, employment status, or SSP membership status. Posts cannot be used to promote specific products and services. If you have an idea for a guest post on The Scholarly Kitchen, contact the Executive Editor or any Chef to propose your idea for a post.

Review our Open Invitation to Guest Authors for an overview of how the process works and tips for writing a successful post.

Anonymous Posts

The Scholarly Kitchen welcomes posts from the scholarly communications community, however we are aware that in some cases an author may prefer anonymity for a number of reasons including their own safety. While it is our overwhelming preference that articles posted on the scholarly kitchen are signed we do understand that some posts will warrant anonymity. This decision will be made at the discretion of the Editor in a thoughtfully editorial informed way. If you would like to submit your post anonymously please email, including a brief reason for your request.

Consideration for Regular Contributors

Regular volunteer contributors to The Scholarly Kitchen are referred to as Chefs. Individuals interested in becoming a regular contributor should write a letter of interest to the Executive Editor describing their perspective and area of expertise. Ideal candidates will have broad areas of interest and relevant expertise that is unique and/or not already over-represented on the blog. Candidates are required to write 3 guest posts within a 6 month period that meet the quality standards set forth by the Editor. If requirements and standards are met, an invitation to become a regular contributor will be extended and a mentor will be assigned. All regular contributors must agree to write 6 original posts per year, sign a Contributor Agreement and be a SSP member in good standing.