A Roadmap for Developing a US National PID Strategy
A new report “Developing a US PID National Strategy,” outlines the desirable characteristics of Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) and sets the foundation for a cohesive US national strategy.
A new report “Developing a US PID National Strategy,” outlines the desirable characteristics of Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) and sets the foundation for a cohesive US national strategy.
A new conference explores ways research can turn the scientific method onto improving its own results.
Looking forward to 2020, what did you learn in 2019 that might change your plans or actions going forward? How have you grown?
Thoughts on Elsevier’s acquisition of Plum Analytics.
An interview with the team behind the new Release 5 of the COUNTER Code of Practice.
Last week, an editorial in Nature highlighted the problem of the proliferating number of authors on papers. Following a 2012 symposium at Harvard University, a small group has proposed a taxonomy of contributor roles that would add details to an author list and have tested that among a group of authors. Scholarly publishers should consider adopting this taxonomy to improve the accuracy and granularity to improve attribution and the assignment of credit.
Revisiting Todd Carpenter’s 2012 post on the value of altmetrics.
Framing “altmetrics” as alternative may limit their potential — they have to be “alternative” to something already in existence. How do we move new measures robustly into the mainstream?