Where Does Enhancement End and Citation Begin?
As more publishers semantically enrich documents, Todd Carpenter considers whether links are the same as citations
As more publishers semantically enrich documents, Todd Carpenter considers whether links are the same as citations
Authors are increasingly applying Creative Commons licenses to their content, when publishing it via Open Access. But after deciding to use a CC license, does it matter whether copyright is transferred to the publisher or if it is retained by the author. For some reasons, transfer to the publisher might be the right choice.
A recent non-controversy once again shows how much confusion exists around what exactly Creative Commons licenses actually mean.
An interview with MIke Rossner, former Director of Rockefeller University Press.
A fundamental confusion between articles and data leads to a call for more CC licenses and less copyright. But why are data being closed down while articles are being opened up? Is there a fundamental misunderstanding of copyright, licensing, and rights?