Since When Does Community Mean Everybody?
Community is a subset of the population. That subset may be self-selected or selected by some external criteria. But, by definition, communities are exclusive groups.
Community is a subset of the population. That subset may be self-selected or selected by some external criteria. But, by definition, communities are exclusive groups.
Venerable open-access medical journal reinstitutes subscription model. But can it offer enough content to lure customers back?
Creating Kindle and iPhone versions of a book — simple. Selling them is another thing entirely.
On a day when Kindle 2.0 is expected the debut, the e-book is just one force reshaping the book of the future.
Serialized print publishing has a frequency problem eating at its core. Can journal publishers anticipate and adjust?
As publishers move out of the scarcity model, the social economy is where they might thrive. Can they?
The vast majority of freely-available biomedical articles were published by societies using traditional subscription models, a new study reports.
The novel is about novelty. Self-publishing is just the latest option for authors. Some argue that it’s reinventing literature.
A journal begins requiring authors to submit peer-reviewed pages to Wikipedia. Is this a great idea?
The abuse of editorial power and favoritism leads to a national scandal in France.
Scholarly publishers risk following the newspaper industry if they don’t value peer-review.
Why the market for scholarly articles looks a lot like the market for used cars.
Finding a solution to a glut of information and a scarcity of attention can work for email and scholarly publishing.
Joe Esposito’s new article in the Journal of Electronic Publishing is not your typical Open Access diatribe loosely held together with non-sequiturs, nor is it a pronouncement of how-we-done-good in our company/library. It is a cogent argument based on the economic theory of attention.
Futurists provide us with something we all want to hear, yet far enough into the future to avoid accountability.