Ask The Chefs: Society Sustainability
With many professional societies finding their revenue sources under pressure, this month we asked the Chefs: How might professional societies continue to be sustainable?
With many professional societies finding their revenue sources under pressure, this month we asked the Chefs: How might professional societies continue to be sustainable?
Many society publishers, concerned about the disruptive implications, of Plan S, are nervously considering selling off their publishing assets.
Plan S seems to favor larger, commercial publishers over smaller, independent, not-for-profit publishers. Is this an acceptable sacrifice or are societies, and not-for-profit publishing, worth preserving?
Hoping to woo authors away from commercial publishers, a group of biomedical science societies have launched a new alliance to promote the value of publishing in society journals.
In this article Robert Harington suggests that some society journal publishers may wish to consider moving their journal program to a Diamond open access (OA) model. Nice idea right, but easier said than done.
On the surface editorial independence seems so straight-forward. However, it is filled with nuance. If publishing and editorial expectations are not clearly set, misunderstandings can cause angst, poor working relationships, and even legal action.