The New York Times' B2B Opportunity

[…] business-to-business (B2B) subscriptions. There is scarcely a college or corporation of any size that does not receive a stack of newspapers every day, the Times and the Wall Street Journal among them. If you arrive at a skyscraper in Manhattan […]

The Future Is Not a Zero-Sum Game

[…] of evolution, where the important characteristics of a form are recognized and emphasized. Cory Doctorow makes a similar argument regarding newspapers. He links to an audio clip of HG Wells declaring the newspaper “as dead as mutton” in 1943 because […]

Breaking News

[…] touching on the same topic generally — the continued and rapid reinvention of the news business. Robert Scoble is urging newspapers to iterate fast, and to behave like a technology industry. He makes a compelling argument, basically that users are […]

E-ink Hits the Newsstands

[…] Begins Now” from an e-ink display attached to the cover. The president of E-Ink has also forecasted that commercial e-ink newspapers will be big by the end of 2009. The Esquire cover will last about 90 days before the little […]