It’s been a while since we’ve had a chance to post a frivolous Friday video, so here’s a look at the work of Hildegard von Blingin’, who creates Medieval-style translations of modern pop songs, or as she puts it, “Bardcore for the discerning clergyman, noble, or muck-gathering peasant.” Below is Dolly Parton’s “Jolene”, but you can find songs from Radiohead, Lady Gaga, and others at her YouTube page.
8 Thoughts on "Getting Medieval On Popular Music"
Nice to see a frivolous Friday video again! These are great.
Dolly Parton for the Middle Ages! Fortunately Bardcore was free from that damned tooty, fruity recorder music, leftover from college renaissance fairs.
Anyone who likes this sort of thing will also appreciate The Bad Shepherds, led by British comedian Ade Edmonson, who do delightful folk renditions of rock standards.
Here is Once in A Lifetime:
and Ace of Spades
Thanks for this!
Someone enjoys Loreena McKennitt.
Thanks much for a happy Friday! Missing the Bard in Ashland, Oregon this year, though are able to schedule viewing time of some productions.
Very entertaining and a ton of fun. Proof positive that the conspiracy theorists are correct, and Dolly stole all her material from Hildegard.
To somewhat reverse the process, (though not back to medieval), check out :14 Songs that Rip Off Classical Music” by the incomparable David Bennett Piano,