Not sure how I ended up going down this particular rabbit hole, and though this post may only appeal to a highly niche audience, today I offer you the work of Tom Wildenhain, who apparently, in fourth grade, wanted to learn how to program but had a PC that had only the basic Windows Office Suite of programs available. And so he chose Powerpoint as his preferred programming platform.
The video below shows how he used PowerPoint to construct a Turing Machine, declaring that with PowerPoint, no other computer applications are necessary, as all computational tasks can be accomplished through the creation of dedicated .pptx files. All the example below takes is 1,600 animations and 700 autoshapes.
If you want a really deep dive into PowerPoint programming, you can find a lecture Wildenhain gave at CMU here. Who knew that we had the answer to all of our computational needs lurking in that presentation you gave to your editorial board last month.
2 Thoughts on "Forget about AI, Here Comes PowerPoint"
So reaffirming for us Luddites, eh?
Amazing what PowerPoint can do in skilled hands! This reminds me of professional Microsoft Office extensions that can significantly improve workflows. For instance, SCAND develops interesting solutions in this area:
It’s always fascinating to see everyday tools used in unexpected ways.