We’re off today for the US Memorial Day holiday, which for many of us in this hemispehere marks the unofficial beginning of summer. We will have a post tomorrow, then it’s off for the other annual celebration, the SSP Meeting, so expect content here to be sparse for the rest of the week.
To tide you over and get your summer moving forward, I offer you the joy that is Shonen Knife, a band that recently celebrated its 40th anniversary of existence. Formed by school friends in 1981, the band’s trajectory skyrocketed in the early 1990s when they were celebrated by no less than Kurt Cobain and asked to be the opening act for Nirvana’s tour that year. If you don’t know them, Shonen Knife offers fun, positive, Ramones-esque songs about animals, chocolate bars, and Barbie dolls. Their musicianship has greatly improved over the years, but I still find myself going back to their earliest recordings which are packed with an untouched amateurish charm. In keeping with the day, find below “Summertime Boogie” from their debut album Pretty Little Baka Guy.