If you’re like me, you’ve spent the last few weeks pondering human existence, and asking the really big questions, like, what would happen if every person on earth shined a laser pointer on the moon? Luckily, we live in a world with Randall Munroe who can provide us with some peace of mind. If you don’t have the time to watch the video below, the answer is, not much. But then, you’re probably thinking, what if we used really big lasers? No, bigger than that. The answers lie within.
3 Thoughts on "The Important Questions of Our Time — What if…."
I got to see Randall Munroe speaking live in the UK (in Bath) last Saturday night. The first half of his show was an amusing talk by him about his time at NASA and how he got to be a cartoonist and question-answerer. That was very charming, amusing and interesting.
The second half was him being interviewed, and attempting to answer some questions posed by the interviewer and by the audience (via Slido). This was less successful, mainly because the interviewer, popular economist and statistician Tim Harford did a very poor job of interviewing, asking sensible questions – he asked about cricket (absurdly) and economics, not science, and choosing interesting questions from the audience suggestions. (Tim Harford s usually very sensible and interesting on the Radio and in the Financial Times, so maybe he just had an off day.)
This is my favourite Randall Munroe cartoon:
This reminds me of a series of books I read in my teenage and college years called the Imponderables series by David Feldman.
All the moon cats would go wild!
Ps: that’s the dumbest thing of posted here or maybe anywhere, but I don’t care!!