Google Makes Nice with News Publishers

[…] way was impossible because they were unpredictable and easily supplanted by meta-coverage. Google began to look like the enemy of newspapers. But now they’re playing nice. Recently, Google announced the development of a micropayment system targeting newspaper subscriptions and article […]

Let’s Hear It for Reckless Enthusiasm!

[…] back door.  Consider the twisted tale of newspaper recycling.  Twenty years ago this was viewed as a big environmental problem.  Newspapers were leveling forests; a paper was read once and then tossed away.  To deal with this, municipalities set up […]

Questioning the Attention Economy

Rupert Murdoch’s plans to charge for access to his newspapers has been widely criticized as it will cut the material out of the wider online conversation. But what good is it to be part of a conversation that doesn’t bring […]

The End of “Free”

[…] opposite of free,” something so good you’d be willing to buy it at a premium. And this is where the newspapers need to take note. Their problems with free content are compounded because they’ve reached a point where they’re all […]