If you use a chatbot in writing a text, and are discouraged from listing it as a coauthor, should you attribute the relevant passages to the tool via citation instead? Is it appropriate to cite chatbots as information sources?
Three Oxford administrators want to lower the cost of mandatory open access by shifting the responsibility for enforcement to funding agencies. But that doesn’t lower costs at all; it only shifts them. To truly lower costs, stop trying to make open access mandatory.
The World Conferences on Research Integrity Foundation (WCRIF) is building a network of early career researchers and professionals in research integrity to promote peer-to-peer mentorship, supports researchers in furthering their careers in RI, and fostering a global community that supports research with integrity.
Today’s Kitchen Essentials interview is with Nici Pfeiffer, Chief Product Officer for the Center for Open Science (COS), including the popular and highly-used Open Science Framework (OSF).
Research publications contain the answers to some of the world’s most pressing challenges. But to realize that potential, more people need to find, understand and act on them.