Guest Post — Towards Standardizing Plain Language Summaries: The Open Pharma Recommendations
Adeline Rosenberg offers a look into the value of providing plain language summaries in research papers, and the standards created for doing so.
Adeline Rosenberg is a Medical Writer in the Patient Engagement and Open Pharma teams at Oxford PharmaGenesis. She serves as a rare disease patient advocate on the steering committee for the Oxford Patient Engagement Network for Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Conditions (OPEN ARMS) at the University of Oxford, and is the patient engagement workstream lead for the Social Media and Web-Based Metrics Working Group at the International Society for Medical Publication Professionals (ISMPP). She is also an author of the Open Pharma recommendations for plain language summaries of peer-reviewed medical journal publications.
Adeline Rosenberg offers a look into the value of providing plain language summaries in research papers, and the standards created for doing so.