Ask The Chefs: What Is The Most Important Data For A Publisher To Capture?
Data makes content discoverable, aids in decision-making, enriches product development, etc., but what data are most critical to success?
Data makes content discoverable, aids in decision-making, enriches product development, etc., but what data are most critical to success?
Economics, incentives, public relations, content development, government funding, what would you change in the scholarly communication ecosystem?
Does a Master’s in Publishing make someone a more desirable candidate for a publishing job? Will that degree make them more successful if hired? See what the Chefs and our guest contributors say!
How much privacy are you willing to relinquish for convenience? How much effort are you willing to expend for security? This month we asked the chefs: Where Is The Balance Between Security, Authentication, Marketing, and Privacy?
Every industry has its dirty little secrets. This month we asked the Chefs what those secrets are in scholarly publishing.
Looking forward to Peer Review Week, we asked the Chefs “What is the future of peer review?” #PeerRevWk16
Does anyone ever set out to get a job in scholarly publishing or does it just happen? This month the Chefs offer their advice to job seekers.
The role of social media in scholarly communications is a continuous debate. Is there value? See what the Chefs have to say and then let us know what you think!
Hillary Corbett, the Director of Scholarly Communication & Digital Publishing at Northeastern University, and Charlotte Roh, the Scholarly Communications Librarian at the University of San Francisco, tell us what they learned at this year’s SSP Annual Meeting!
We’ve heard from the Chefs about their take on the Annual Meeting, but what were the take-home messages for our early career and student Fellowship Award winners? Come see what the Fellows’ fresh perspective led them to say when asked: What Did You Learn At This Year’s SSP Annual Meeting?
This year the SSP held its Annual Meeting in Vancouver, BC. It was a great success and held insights and lessons for all. Come see what the Chefs had to say when asked: What Did You Learn At This Year’s SSP Annual Meeting?
Help us identify discussion topics and questions for the Society of Scholarly Publishing 2016 Annual Meeting. What did you only wish you knew when you were just starting out in scholarly publishing?
What is the biggest misconception people have about scholarly publishing? That’s what we asked the Chefs this month. Now we’re asking you. What did we miss?
Some publishing jobs require an advanced technical degree, others do not. On the flip side, some people say “those that can do and those that can’t…”. Is that true? Come see what the Chefs had to say!
January seems like the perfect time to look forward and think about what we might expect to see this coming year. This month we asked the Chefs what they think is on the horizon for 2016.