Vacations Are Worth Preserving

It’s high vacation season here in the United States, and a little political movement aiming to recapture the very idea of vacations caught my attention. I thought it might be worth getting a little motivated to going off-line in a […]

Versions — NISO’s New Recommendations

The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) has released its recommendations on versioning of journal articles. It is a document worth looking over, for a great deal of careful thought has gone into it. The document also reflects the schizophrenic relationship […]

Bomomo — Etch-a-Sketch 2.0

OK, time for another Friday timesink, this time a drawing tool called Bomomo. The little balls find your cursor. Holding it down makes them bigger. Dragging makes them do things. Have fun! Draw yourself some 4th of July fireworks while […]

Truthiness and Pablumonium

Image via Wikipedia Yesterday, I published a post containing a neologism — pablumonium — that caught people’s attention. I was pleasantly surprised by the emails and feedback since it was a long post and a wry insertion of a strangely […]

FCC Misses Both Forest and Trees

Image via Wikipedia The San Francisco Chronicle (and other sources) recently reported on an initiative from the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to examine embedded advertisements in TV programming (“product placements”). Examples rolled out by reporters and the FCC itself include […]

The Future That Never Was

For a lighthearted and informative time, I’d recommend a visit to Paleo-Future, a blog providing “A Look Into the Future That Never Was.” Does this look like a city near you? At Paleo-Future, you’ll see predictions from Criswell, drawings of […]

Britannica’s Tepid Move

Image via Wikipedia Forgive me, but I think the recent news that the Encyclopedia Britannica is adopting a modified Wiki approach reveals not a brave embrace of new online realities, but rather a tepid response to the threat they are […]