Racetrack Memory: The Future of Storage?

Image via Wikipedia In the April 11th issue of Science, an article detailing the development of “racetrack memory” in computing devices [paid content] introduces the intriguing possibility that a new paradigm of physical memory could create tiny devices capable of […]

Zemanta – Augmented Authorship Arrives!

In the book, “The Design of Future Things,” Donald Norman observes that automation is a dangerous goal because pursuing it usually passes the point of diminishing returns. In contrast, augmentation of human effort (e.g., bicycling as augmented walking, writing/drawing/painting/composing as […]

Section 108 Study Group Releases Report

Image via Wikipedia On March 31, the Section 108 Study Group released their report and recommendations, three years in the making. The Study Group was convened to make recommendations to the U.S. Copyright Office. Mostly, the recommendations revolve around a […]

Citations: Incitement or Excitement?

In recent months, a lot of new citation approaches have landed in my email box. Alternatives and tangents seem to have arisen amidst angst about the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) and their traditional impact factor. (Note to ironists: displeasure […]

A New Look!

Thanks to Nicole Colovos of Goris.com, the Scholarly Kitchen has a great new look! The design is meant to carry through the notion that we’re chatting in a kitchen, and Nicole captured it perfectly. Neat. Thanks!

“Noteworthy” Copyright Case in Florida

The Chronicle of Higher Education recently covered a “noteworthy” copyright case in Florida. Why the air-quotes? The intellectual property at stake is literally class notes, more or less. A professor who recorded his lecture notes in both written form and […]

Online Beats Print, Even for Print Gimmicks!

Online beats print in so many ways: it’s searchable, has greater storage capacity, and supports multiple media (i.e., audio, video, animation), just to name three. Here’s more whimsical evidence that print is inferior. In this case, online makes a print […]