Guest Post – Making Sense of Open Access Business Models
A classification scheme for open access business models.
Tasha Mellins-Cohen, Executive Director at COUNTER and Founder of Mellins-Cohen Consulting, joined the scholarly publishing industry in 2001. She has held roles within learned societies and commercial publishers across operations, technology, editorial and executive functions, while donating time to key industry initiatives and bodies such as UKSG, ALPSP and STM. From 2022 she took over the running of COUNTER, the usage metrics standard, alongside her consulting work with not-for-profit publishers.
A classification scheme for open access business models.
In this guest post about a largely overlooked aspect of diversity and inclusion,Tasha Mellins-Cohen, Director of Publishing at the Microbiology Society, looks at the biases in the workplace faced by women around maternity — even if they can’t — or choose not to — have children.