They Don’t Care!

[…] struggled to adapt to a world with fewer bill payments, personal letters, and packages, teetering on the brink of irrelevancy? Newspapers began to approach the day when blogs would be the only sources left to report the demise of newspapers? […]

Sounding the Revolution

[…] an exiting thing is produced. This resulted, eventually, in mass literacy, enabled the creation of new information formats such as newspapers, journals, and magazines, and had other profound consequences—but at the end of the day, we are just talking about […]

Information Does(n’t) Want to Be Free

David Pogue just published a post on the New York Times that quotes at its heart the statement, “Information wants to be free.” In the post, he notes that he’s pretty conflicted over the issue, and takes solace in the […]

George Orwell’s Blog

Image via Wikipedia The New York Times recently reported that George Orwell has started blogging. Or, rather, his diaries are being put online daily as part of a new blog. This is a fascinating blog to read. Each entry is […]

25 Years of Cyber Love

It may seem impossible, but last month, the first couple to marry after meeting online celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary, according to a story in the Chicago Tribune. It may seem odd these days, but this 1983 story was a […]