Guest Post: CCC’s Roy Kaufman–A Text Mining Primer for Journal Publishers
What is text mining? The CCC’s Roy Kaufman offers a primer for publishers.
What is text mining? The CCC’s Roy Kaufman offers a primer for publishers.
Roy Kaufman discusses new ventures at CCC, the impact of OA on licensing and ways to enable text and data mining.
An interview with MIke Rossner, former Director of Rockefeller University Press.
The US government views data policy as an emerging area. A new National Academies report reveals the potential and the barriers, many of which are financial.
Libraries generate a great deal of information about their own processes, including circulation records. Making that information available to others could be the basis for a consortium to share and market such library data.
The data-mining of the Google books database has great promise, but who owns the data-mining rights?