Revisiting — What Does “Federally Funded” Actually Mean?
With a new public access memo and federal agency policies due, Angela Cochran revisits her 2013 post exploring what Federally Funded means.
With a new public access memo and federal agency policies due, Angela Cochran revisits her 2013 post exploring what Federally Funded means.
Open access is public access. With the Nelson OSTP memo as a catalyst for Green-via-Gold, will we still need agency repositories?
A look back at a 2015 post about approaches to improve funder policy compliance. Many of the same problems exist now as did then — are the same collaborative solutions likely to happen?
The OSTP Nelson Memo has caused quite a stir in scholarly communication circles. Today, Roger Schonfeld asks, how will academia handle the zero embargo?
Some initial thoughts on the new OSTP memo on public access to results of federally funded research — and questions about its intent and implications.
An interview with principals of the Scholarly Publishing Roundtable, whose work significantly shaped the Holdren Memo on public access to federally-funded research.
An interview with principals of the Scholarly Publishing Roundtable, whose work significantly shaped the Holdren Memo on public access to federally-funded research.