Flourishing in a Machine-intermediated World: The STM Trends Report
The latest STM Trends is out, showing a future where humans and machines are integrated and engaged, supporting research and output sharing.
The latest STM Trends is out, showing a future where humans and machines are integrated and engaged, supporting research and output sharing.
The scholarly publishing sector is undergoing its second digital transformation. Today, Ithaka S+R reviews this strategic landscape as part of a broader analysis of the shared infrastructure that supports scholarly communication.
AI might help with the deluge of content, but there are problems when we rely on machines to think for us.
Separately, both open research and AI are considered disrupters, causes of disorder in the normal continuance of scholarly publishing. But approaching them in a synchronized way can offer more productivity gains and efficiencies than taking them on individually.
As more publishers semantically enrich documents, Todd Carpenter considers whether links are the same as citations