A Roadmap for Developing a US National PID Strategy
A new report “Developing a US PID National Strategy,” outlines the desirable characteristics of Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) and sets the foundation for a cohesive US national strategy.
A new report “Developing a US PID National Strategy,” outlines the desirable characteristics of Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) and sets the foundation for a cohesive US national strategy.
Libraries are accelerating engagement with transformative and pure publish agreements, balancing contract-based publishing support with an APC fund, and investing in the scholarly communications ecosystem.
The Nelson Memo is being contested. Will the incumbents of the scholarly publishing world stand up for the Memo and fight for its funding?
In this moment of success for open access advocacy, Roger C. Schonfeld proposes that the academic library not take responsibility for implementing open access mandates. The first of several scenarios we will consider.
Is the OA movement painting itself into a corner with concerns about new OA rules and regulations?
Funder guidance is too vague when it comes to identifiers and metadata. It needs to get specific to be effective.
In guest post, Simon Linacre of Digital Science discusses their latest state of open data survey against the backdrop of the recent OSTP memo on expanding public access to research results.
Karin Wulf and Rick Anderson reflect on the OSTP’s response to their interview questions, and on some implications of those responses and of the memo itself.
Karin Wulf and Rick Anderson interview Dr. Alondra Nelson, acting director of the White House Office on Science & Technology Policy when the new OSTP memo was published.
Karin Wulf and Rick Anderson provide a roundup of responses to the new OSTP public access memo — and a preview of their interview with OSTP leadership.
The OSTP Nelson Memo has caused quite a stir in scholarly communication circles. Today, Roger Schonfeld asks, how will academia handle the zero embargo?
Day 2 of Chef reactions to the OSTP Policy memo. What are your thoughts? Share your views with the Scholarly Kitchen community.
Everyone has an opinion about the OSTP Policy memo! Come over and hear what the Chefs have to say and share your opinions with us. Part 1 of a 2 part post.