Smorgasbord: Trends from Spring 2023 Meetings and Conferences (Part Two)
Read what Chefs Angela Cochran and Alice Meadows (respectively) have to say about the recent ISMPP conference and RDA 20th Plenary Meeting in today’s Smorgasbord
Read what Chefs Angela Cochran and Alice Meadows (respectively) have to say about the recent ISMPP conference and RDA 20th Plenary Meeting in today’s Smorgasbord
Twice a year, members of the Research Data Alliance come together for a plenary meeting that brings together active working groups, interest groups, and communities of practice. Phill Jones virtually attended the 18th plenary from the comfort and (COVID) safety of his home office. These are some of his observations about research infrastructure, data standards and persistent identifiers.
On February 26th, Phill Jones gate-crashed the 2nd STM association research data workshop. Here’s what he learned about the progress being made and that challenges ahead in making data sharable, open, and maybe even FAIR.