Fashionable Goodness: Authors’ Choices in Publication
Authors can choose from a number of publication options. What drives an author to self-publish their book? What do they give up when they do?
Authors can choose from a number of publication options. What drives an author to self-publish their book? What do they give up when they do?
After deleting his predatory publishing list, librarian Jeffrey Beall reemerges into the spotlight with a self-published book about art forgeries.
A best-selling author turns down a $500,000 advance in order to self-publish, while a self-published author who has earned $2 million takes a book contract. What’s going on here?
The self-publishing adventure that began here two years ago winds down. What worked? What didn’t?
Books made the traditional way accounted for less than 50% of US book production in 2008. Has the sea change come?
While university presses shrink and go digital, are they trying to preserve a structural memory in the face of a modern reality?
Creating Kindle and iPhone versions of a book — simple. Selling them is another thing entirely.