Sustainability: When Being Small Is Big Enough To Create A Legacy
How can smaller publishers support the Sustainable Development Goals?
How can smaller publishers support the Sustainable Development Goals?
Three global society publishers respond to cOAlition S’s recent “Towards responsible publishing, a proposal from cOAlition S”.
We are often called upon to discuss open access to society publishers. This is what we tell them.
Given the pace of technological change, new sources of professional information and community, the increasing competition for attention, shifting demographics, and an uncertain economy, an effective strategy is more important than ever. While most commercial organizations have developed strategic frameworks, and many now have leadership roles dedicated to strategy, not-for-profit organizations tend to focus less on these activities. While some of this “strategy gap” may be due to relative resource scarcity and its associated time pressures , there are also structural and governance issues at play, particularly in the case of professional associations. These challenges are not insurmountable, however. Professional associations can close the strategy gap by incorporating this series of steps into their strategy development and implementation processes.
PubMed Central reduces article downloads from 14 biomedical society websites when articles are made freely available after embargo.
The American Chemical Society certifies programs, which must subscribe to some of its products to qualify. How can this conflict of interest be