xkcd is a popular Web comic with a decidedly scientific and geeky bent. This cartoon nicely captures how the interaction between science and the media feels. Happy Friday!
5 Thoughts on "The Problem with Significance (a Cartoon)"
Why does the male scientist get to announce all of the results?
Why do you project male-ness on that figure?
I project maleness on that figure for obvious reasons. The point is that authority figures and scientists are generally presented as male, a pattern that unnecessarily reinforces stereotypes. Thinking about ideas that artists and others perhaps do not intend to project is as informative as thinking about whatever an artist may intend to project.
Hope you got permission to post this!
Quoting from the XKCD site:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License.
This means that you are free to copy and reuse any of my drawings (noncommercially) as long as you tell people where they’re from.
That is, you don’t need my permission to post these pictures on your website (and hotlinking with is fine); just include a link back to this page. Or you can make Livejournal icons from them, but — if possible — put xkcd.com in the comment field. You can use them freely (with some kind of link) in not-for-profit publications, and I’m also okay with people reprinting occasional comics (with clear attribution) in publications like books, blogs, newsletters, and presentations. If you’re not sure whether your use is noncommercial, feel free to email me and ask (if you’re not sure, it’s probably okay).