New data literacy and artificial literacy standards are necessary and emerging. The workflows and iterative mindsets the Digital Humanities can help inform our approaches.
A world famous scientist and university president brought down by a student journalist’s investigative reporting. But the big story is how we fund and reward ethical research.
In this article, Minhaj Rain explores how human intelligence tasks (HITs) and not simply more AI tools could be the way forward as a reliable and scalable solution for maintaining research integrity within the scholarly record.
What are the burdens researchers face? And what can be done to lighten the load and make the academic environment more diverse, equitable, inclusive, safe, and welcoming?
Revisiting a post from 2019 in light of the acquisition of by Springer Nature. As community-owned and -led efforts to build scholarly communications infrastructure gain momentum, what can be done to help them achieve long term sustainability?
Last January we wrote a group post about “Twexit” and with the launch of Threads we wondered how the Chefs were feeling about the emerging and existing social media options.
Policies that formally give peer reviewers the option to officially invite a colleague to collaborate with them improve integrity, transparency, and offers a chance to give fair credit where it is due.