Digital Archiving, and What Would it Cost to Print an Always Up-to-date Version of Wikipedia
Is the easiest way to preserve digital materials printing them out? What if we’re talking about the constantly changing Wikipedia?
Is the easiest way to preserve digital materials printing them out? What if we’re talking about the constantly changing Wikipedia?
Designers have spent decades trying to reduce the sounds that cars make. Now with electric vehicles, they are being forced to add sounds to provide feedback to drivers and pedestrians. What should the future sound like?
We’re out of office until next week. But is anyone really out of office these days?
Think you’re pretty handy with Excel? Wait until you see the world of professional spreadsheet competitors.
Why do some names fall out of fashion, and how is the study of names like the study of genetics?
What does the research tell us about how dogs see the world?
Why are English spellings so inconsistent and weird?
We’re off for the Memorial Day weekend, some music to get your summer barbecue started.
A new paper uses AI to decipher sperm whale vocalizations.
When do we stop making the effort to find new music?
A short explanation of one way that Jane Austen changed literature.
On today’s episode, Run DMC pay a visit to Reading Rainbow.
Which words do you mispronounce? Or rather, which words that you mispronounce today will eventually be “correct”?
No post today due to the Easter Holiday and our general disdain for April Fools Day on the internet.
If you’re reading this, odds are you know the 26 letters in the English alphabet. But do you know how they came to their current forms?