Why Hasn’t Scientific Publishing Been Disrupted Already?
Despite predictions and analyses to the contrary, STM publishing hasn’t been disrupted yet. Perhaps there’s more here than meets the eye . . .
Despite predictions and analyses to the contrary, STM publishing hasn’t been disrupted yet. Perhaps there’s more here than meets the eye . . .
Do stickers point to integrated data in the real-world? Or is augmented reality easier to accomplish? What could data integrated into the real world mean to science and research?
Professional and scholarly titles dominate the ebook market, and are destined to grow further. So why is the media looking the other way?
At the 2009 STM Conference, talk of disruptive innovation, ebooks, and organizational immune responses flow amongst the people who invented electronic publishing.
With all the buzz around the invitation-only beta release of Google Wave last week, you might be excused for not noticing the much quieter and, in the humble opinion of this writer, far more significant launch of a little tool […]
What would SSP IN be without a field trip? Seed Media’s Joy Moore arranged an expedition to community art space AS220 where IN attendees viewed work by local artists, had lunch, and talked with Bert Crenca, AS220’s founder and artistic […]
Later this month in Providence, RI, the Society for Scholarly Publishing (patrons of the Scholarly Kitchen) will be hosting a new kind of conference: SSP IN. The “IN” moniker is designed to invoke three concepts: INteraction, INspiration, and INnovation. These […]
The special nature of Twitter makes it ideal for information sharing, and allows it to exploit the links that matter most for information dissemination — the weaker links in the social space.
Sci Foo Camp 2009 — Day 3. Journals of the future, video games, rocketships to Mars. It’s all in a day’s work.
Day 2 of Sci Foo Camp was full of interesting topics and discussions, including artificial intelligence, citizen science, and the future of scholarly publishing.
Sci Foo Camp 2009 kicked off last night with opening remarks by Tim O’Reilly (of O’Reilly Media), Timo Hannay (of Nature Publishing Group), and Larry Page (of Google).
Last week, Simon & Schuster announced it would be selling digital copies of its books on Scribd. This is interesting news because it signals that major trade publishers are (finally) beginning to look for additional venues to sell digital copies of their books, and because it transforms Scribd from a host of miscellaneous documents into a potentially significant e-bookseller.