Phill Jones
Phill is a co-founder with responsibility for digital and technology at MoreBrains Consulting Cooperative, where he acts as a principal consultant for a range of clients in open science infrastructure, scholarly publishing, and digital product innovation. He’s a member of the Learned Publishing Editorial Board, a council member for the European Association of Science Editors (EASE), a member of the African Journals Partnership Programme (AJPP), a judge for the Karger Vesalius Awards for innovation in medical publishing, and a member of the advisory board for the Researcher to Reader conference.

Previously, Phill was the CTO at Emerald Publishing. Before that, he held a series of roles at Digital Science, including Director of Publishing Innovation and a senior role in the consultancy division. He was also the first Editorial Director at Journal of Visualized Experiments.

In a former life, Phill was a cross-disciplinary researcher at Imperial College, London, UK Atomic Energy Authority, and Harvard Medical school. His career spanned plasma physics, biomedical engineering and neuroscience.

Articles by Phill Jones

GPT, Large Language Models, and the Trough of Disillusionment

In 2023, AI has been back in the news in a big way. Large Language Models and ChatGPT threatened our’s and many other industries with huge disruption. As with so many threatened techno-shocks, a large degree of this one was hype, but what will happen after the hype fades. What, if anything, will be the lasting legacy of ChatGPT?