Towards a Shared Peer-Review Taxonomy: An interview with Joris van Rossum and Lois Jones
Phill Jones interviews Joris van Rossum and Lois Jones about the STM working group on peer review taxonomy. What is it for and how will it work?
Phill Jones interviews Joris van Rossum and Lois Jones about the STM working group on peer review taxonomy. What is it for and how will it work?
Last week the UK government COVID held a press briefing in an attempt to get the country behind new travel and social restrictions. What lessons can we learn from this bad example of how not to present evidence to support our positions?
In support of #PeerRevWk20 theme #TrustInPeerReview, we asked the Chefs how trust in peer review could be improved. See what the said and add your thoughts!
On February 26th, Phill Jones gate-crashed the 2nd STM association research data workshop. Here’s what he learned about the progress being made and that challenges ahead in making data sharable, open, and maybe even FAIR.
In 2011, Marc Andreessen said that software is eating the world. Since then, publishers have embraced technology. Specifically, the internet – an infrastructure and platform set dominated by open source software. As some academics start to see open source as necessary part of modern, open scholarship. do publisher need to seriously consider changing how we innovate?
A lot of people talk about Agile project management and how effective it can be. They also talk about how hard it is to get executive buy-in. The disconnect is caused by a lack of understanding of how Agile reduces risk.
Publishing has always been an information technology business. Why then, is our industry often accused of being slow to adopt technology? Do we struggle to integrate new ideas into our systems and workflows more than we should? How can make the best use of new technology innovation without being overwhelmed?
At this years annual STM Week in London, there was a strong focus on collaboration and shared infrastructure. I bunked off one of the days to check out the All Things Coko meeting. Is this the start of a new way to look at scholarly publishing technology?
At the end of February, Nancy Roberts of Business Inclusivity and I co-organized a workshop on diversity for the Researcher to Reader conference. In this post I explore my motivations for doing so and talk about why I think so few men seem comfortable participating in these discussions.
At the Researcher to Reader conference, a volunteer project was launched to define a new suite of indicators to help researchers judge publishers, rather than the other way around.
Hindawi recently announced they would no longer be members of the STM association, citing the trade association’s ‘overwhelming focus on protecting business models of the past’. What does this mean for Hindawi and for the industry?
Of all the gin joints in all the world, a smokey little dive bar in Frankfurt became the focal point of the STM publishing social scene. How on earth did that happen? More importantly, is there a wider significance to its story?
Last Monday, the British public defied expectations and narrowly voted to leave the European Union. What will be the consequences for the academic community and scholarly communication. Here we look at just two of the potential issues.
It was a little while back now that a controversial blogger attacked one or more of the authors of the Scholarly Kitchen for being former academics, questioning whether such people should be working in publishing. In today’s post, Phill Jones argues that such rhetoric contributes to a stigma that is damaging to the health of academia.
Whether or not you attended this years APE (Academic Publishing in Europe) conference yourself, find out what three of the Scholarly Kitchen chefs thought of the meeting – our overall impressions and key take-home messages.