Who Comments?

The proliferation of Web 2.0 and social networking tools has made it clear that the functionality is being baked into the substance of the Web. But, who is using these tools in the scholarly community? A recent blog entry on […]

E-ink Hits the Newsstands

Coming in September, according to a story in the New York Times, the first e-ink magazine cover will grace our newsstands. Esquire has designed an e-ink cover that will flash the words, “The 21st Century Begins Now” from an e-ink […]

The Foldable E-Book

The New York Times recently profiled the Readius, a foldable reader that uses e-ink and wireless communication so you can read books, magazines, and emails on a 5″ diagonal screen, from a device about the size of a cell phone […]

The Age of the Blog

Michael Bhaskar at theDigitalist.net has written an interesting two-part rumination on the place of blogs in the publisher milieu. In it, he neatly slices publishers away from the technological aspect of blogs — wisely dismissing publishers as possible creators of […]