Will the next generation of professions be impressed with the content platforms and workflow tools we currently have? Angela Cochran imagines a world where we meet the challenge of modernized systems.
On September 20, 2024, MIT Press hosted a workshop, Access to Science & Scholarship: An Evidence Base to Support the Future of Open Research Policy. I interviewed Amy Brand to discuss the goals and outcomes of the workshop.
DORA’s reaction to Clarivate’s decision to no longer fully index eLife (and, therefore, not to give it a Journal Impact Factor) seems inconsistent with both its and eLife’s public positions, and based on the mistaken belief that “disruption” is an absolute good in itself.
Analysis from Roger Schonfeld on today’s news that Silverchair is buying ScholarOne from Clarivate, a transaction that realigns infrastructure and allows each to focus on its strengths.
As preprints become an increasingly integral part of scholarly communication, can automated screening tools improve their reliability and preprint servers’ operational efficiency?
AI offers great potential, but also raises significant concerns when it comes to its use in peer review. Experimentation with AI is needed to find the right role for it in the process.