How Not to Negotiate for Digital Rights

[…] notes that a publisher (in this case, Random House) will, among other things, introduce an author’s work to magazines and newspapers for publicity and rights sales, but doesn’t see the parallel universe that authors hope to participate in and e-books […]

Suddenly, It’s 1993!

[…] iPods, podcasts, or Facebook. There was no, eBay, or MySpace. There were no text messages, emoticons, or thumb typing. Newspapers were still the best source of the latest news. We still didn’t quite know why modems mattered. At work, […]

The 2009 STM Frankfurt Conference

[…] as it will facilitate downloading of new content whilst traveling. I imagine this will be especially useful for things like newspapers (you can wake up to a copy of your local paper wherever one happens to be in the world) […]

A New Word: “Diffintermediation”

[…] participate in webinars and other distance learning. You check your phone, email, and feeds for news rather than relying on newspapers and magazines. Diffintermediation speaks to the changes we’re experiencing as intermediaries ourselves. Does peer-review hold the same value as […]