Reading: It Can’t Be About the Numbers
How many books do we read in a year? Wouldn’t a better question be how well, how thoughtfully we had engaged with long-form content?
How many books do we read in a year? Wouldn’t a better question be how well, how thoughtfully we had engaged with long-form content?
[…] from the work of an early 20th century husband and wife team, as well as multiple other relevant diaries, maps, newspapers, other public records and secondary sources. As I was browsing the online sources and materials about Ballard including event […]
[…] students consider text computationally, they need greater awareness around data’s possibilities and limitations. For example, how different editions of texts, newspapers, and poems can vary not only based on edition, publication year etc., but also based on the digital technology […]
[…] original papers in fields beyond their own expertise? Many wouldn’t – and they’d miss the information. The value of press releases, newspapers, and popular science magazines, on the other hand, is limited . These aim at being comprehensible to broader audiences […]
[…] 10 edits in the last month) Wikipedia editors access to “over 90 of the world’s top subscription-only databases,” including ProQuest,, JSTOR, and Wiley. In a blog post describing their partnership with The Wikipedia Library, Wiley stated: As Wikipedia editors […]
Reflections on what’s next for getting together in the real world, in a time of climate change and pandemics.
[…] streaming service produces weekly news broadcasts for those who are visually impaired or unable for whatever reason to read town newspapers, with all the highly local information these provide. Patti O. Davis, Senior Product Manager, EBSCO Information Services I volunteer […]
[…] an Altmetric score of over 3,700; all before being published in Nature Immunology. The preprint was even featured in 23 newspapers worldwide, including El Pais, The Telegraph, De Volkskrant, and Scientific American, demonstrating the impact potential of a preprint outside […]
[…] it’s important to point out that the “user as product” phenomenon has existed for as long as there have been newspapers and magazines — not to mention free TV broadcasting — which relied on a business model that lured consumers […]
Getting digitized primary source materials into the classroom requires an open dialogue among researchers, teachers, and archivists. A workshop from historians of business shows how.
Cover of The Numerati While newspapers and magazines are being written off as dinosaurs from a bygone era, forms of information distribution whose days have come and gone, what if the problem is deeper? What if the problem is the […]
Haseeb Irfanullah discusses how we can overcome the barriers blocking global participation in open access publishing.
Jennifer Regala discusses the pursuit of the “R” word — how to drive your career in scholarly publishing by remaining relevant.
Some improvements at the Scholarly Kitchen have inspired us to renew our open call for guest authors to join the conversation. Revisiting a 2018 post by @lisalibrarian that explains how it works.
I don’t know if this is an insight others will find impressive, but when I heard it, I couldn’t get it out of my mind. Maybe it’s because I wrote software documentation for a short time, and know from both […]