Guest Post — Scholarly Social: Findings from the SSP Social Media Survey
Results from the SSP survey on the changing nature of social media use by publishers, research societies, libraries, vendors, and others in our community.
In her role as Associate Director, Publishing, at Wolters Kluwer Health, Jennifer Regala works with award-winning news magazine publications, including Oncology Times and Emergency Medicine News. Jennifer has worked in scholarly publishing for 20+ years, most recently as the Director of Publications/Executive Editor at the American Urological Association. Jennifer’s personal motto is: “It’s free to be nice and to comb your hair.”
Results from the SSP survey on the changing nature of social media use by publishers, research societies, libraries, vendors, and others in our community.
In the last of this series of posts about this year’s Annual Meeting, SSP’s Marketing and Communications Committee asked members of our community what the conference meant to them.
One more answer to the question, Is Research Integrity Possible without Peer Review? Today’s response is from journal Editor-in-Chief and surgeon, D. Robert Siemens.
For an early start on Peer Review Week, we reached out to the SSP community to ask “Is research integrity possible without peer review?”
In the last of this series of posts about this year’s Annual Meeting, SSP’s Marketing & Communications Committee cochairs ask members of our community what the conference meant to them
As the SSP’s Annual Meeting for 2022 comes to a close, Jennifer Regala offers thoughts on what you can do to support and build our community.
Jennifer Regala discusses the pursuit of the “R” word — how to drive your career in scholarly publishing by remaining relevant.
Changing jobs can be stressful in normal times, but during a global pandemic and with everyone working from home, special considerations must be made. In this post, Angela Cochran and Jennifer Regala share their recent experiences.