NFT Technology versus Subscriptions – The Battle for Ownership of Digital Content
NFTs are the next phase in the ongoing tension between forces supporting subscriptions and those supporting ownership of content
NFTs are the next phase in the ongoing tension between forces supporting subscriptions and those supporting ownership of content
Here’s your 12 point guide to blockchain. Written for non-technically minded scholarly publishing folk
The buzz around blockchain is mounting. But does it fit with scholarly publishing’s incentives and practices?
Love it or loathe, blockchain is making the headlines everywhere! But what exactly is it? Does it really have a role to play in scholarly communications? If so, what and how? In this interview, Joris van Rossum (Digital Science) and Martijn Roelandse (Springer Nature) answer these questions and more.
We continue to battle the tidal wave of data with a bucket brigade of individual privacy settings. Maybe it’s time to pause and consider a state-level solution, ala Estonia.
The information war requires changes — new research priorities, new personal and professional boundaries, higher editorial hurdles, and a hardened infrastructure.
The technology developed to create a crypto-currency may be used to solve two intractable problems in scholarly publishing: authenticating users and counting usage.