Articles Summaries that “Spoil” the Paper to Save Reader Time
As there is too little time to read all the papers, Paper Digest automatically lists out the key sentences of a paper.
As there is too little time to read all the papers, Paper Digest automatically lists out the key sentences of a paper.
It’s that time of year again. Every year Harvard University’s glorious Sanders Theatre plays host to the Ig Nobel Prize ceremony. I was there, along with my 13-year old son, armed with dozens of pieces of paper, for ready assembly into paper airplanes and ready to revel in a couple of hours of sublime silliness. Here is my report.
A conversation with information scientist Carol Tenopir.
The attention economy gets a theatrical/thriller treatment. Time is money.
Publishers still have to sell iPad content via single-issue apps. When will a subscription app finally be allowed?
Do you have time to learn about time perspectives? I hope so.
Is “Mine” an experiment in custom publishing? Or a cynical PR effort to support a last gasp of print advertising?