Wikipedia + POD = A Flooded Amazon: The Endless Spigot at Alpha- and Betascript Publishing
Another German publisher tries to profit off printed Wikipedia entries, this time by flooding Amazon with POD compilations.
Another German publisher tries to profit off printed Wikipedia entries, this time by flooding Amazon with POD compilations.
With all the buzz around the invitation-only beta release of Google Wave last week, you might be excused for not noticing the much quieter and, in the humble opinion of this writer, far more significant launch of a little tool […]
Two owners, two magazines — but one magazine wishes it could flee, while another is part of a larger digital strategy. It shines a light on what can happen when the owner is the problem.
The plateau of entries in Wikipedia has people scratching their heads. Are the editors becoming elitists? Is quality beating quantity? Or is it a little of both?
Google Knol is fading fast. Why didn’t it work? And when will it be put out of its misery? Meanwhile, Google opens the doors on a faster, more accurate version of its search engine.
Wikipedia is a reference that is accurate but incomplete. How does it fare as a drug resource? A recent study finds an interesting trend.
A journal begins requiring authors to submit peer-reviewed pages to Wikipedia. Is this a great idea?