Guest Post — Offensive or Inclusive Language in Scientific Communication?
Richard de Grijs comes to grips with his field’s use of potentially offensive language.
Richard de Grijs comes to grips with his field’s use of potentially offensive language.
A report from the 9th annual BioASQ workshop discussing the ongoing development and future of AI-based tools.
Today, Roger Schonfeld interviews Martha Sedgwick, SAGE’s vice president for Product Innovation, about its recent acquisitions and strategic directions.
A holiday ode to the comma, and knowing where it goes.
Catch up with the latest squirrel research.
The nuances between spelling mistakes, autocorrects, fat finger errors, atomic typos, muscle memory flaws, and the reason we only spot them AFTER pressing send.
Clarivate to Acquire ProQuest: analysis by Roger Schonfeld
Getting digitized primary source materials into the classroom requires an open dialogue among researchers, teachers, and archivists. A workshop from historians of business shows how.
Emerald Publishing’s identity strategy aims to re-conceive their publishing platform as a digital experience that builds emotive connections with users and seamlessly delivers the answers they need.
Amanda Gorman, Youth Poet Laureate, continues to impress in surprising ways.
What does it take to research and develop a new product? Here we describe a recently launched service, DataSeer, and share top tips from its founder, Tim Vines.
Is the value of data in decision making all hype? How can we leverage data to server our mission, customers, and our own operational effectiveness?
Gabe Harp from MIT Press offers tips on how to maximize your efficiency and preserve your sanity while working from home.
Find out how Ripeta, ResearchFish, Publons, Morressier, Quartzy, Zanran, Quertle, Citavi, Writefull, Gigantum and Kudos got their names.
Some were surprised GetFTR wasn’t immediately welcomed by the library community. @lisalibrarian analyzes why.