Elsevier’s ScienceDirect as Content Supercontinent?
Does today’s news of Wiley etc. syndicating to ScienceDirect mean Elsevier is developing a supercontinent to compete with ResearchGate and Google Scholar?
Does today’s news of Wiley etc. syndicating to ScienceDirect mean Elsevier is developing a supercontinent to compete with ResearchGate and Google Scholar?
Today, Roger Schonfeld interviews Martha Sedgwick, SAGE’s vice president for Product Innovation, about its recent acquisitions and strategic directions.
A holiday ode to the comma, and knowing where it goes.
In 2014, Google created a disruption for both libraries (and publishers) with its digitization activities. Where do things stand now? What’s needed to move forward?
Catch up with the latest squirrel research.
Every five years Research4Life commissions in-depth reviews of its work to understand how the work of the partnership is experienced from the users’ as well as the partners’ perspectives. Domiziana Francescon discusses the latest findings.
The nuances between spelling mistakes, autocorrects, fat finger errors, atomic typos, muscle memory flaws, and the reason we only spot them AFTER pressing send.
The team behind SeamlessAccess discuss why identity federation promotes security and privacy despite coordinated attacks on access systems
Clarivate to Acquire ProQuest: analysis by Roger Schonfeld
Getting digitized primary source materials into the classroom requires an open dialogue among researchers, teachers, and archivists. A workshop from historians of business shows how.
David Parker looks at platform strategy for supporting learning and curriculum development.
Emerald Publishing’s identity strategy aims to re-conceive their publishing platform as a digital experience that builds emotive connections with users and seamlessly delivers the answers they need.
Amanda Gorman, Youth Poet Laureate, continues to impress in surprising ways.
The digital services provided by scholarly publishers and academic libraries still do not meet researchers’ needs. Roger Schonfeld notes that doing so would require far more profound change, not just at the level of user experience but in terms of rethinking existing businesses and organizational models.
What does it take to research and develop a new product? Here we describe a recently launched service, DataSeer, and share top tips from its founder, Tim Vines.