Revisiting — What Does “Federally Funded” Actually Mean?
With a new public access memo and federal agency policies due, Angela Cochran revisits her 2013 post exploring what Federally Funded means.
With a new public access memo and federal agency policies due, Angela Cochran revisits her 2013 post exploring what Federally Funded means.
It is essential to address the hidden costs of retraction and to discuss who needs to bear this cost.
Moving from a binary right/wrong view of metadata to a probabilistic framework brings many benefits
Three Oxford administrators want to lower the cost of mandatory open access by shifting the responsibility for enforcement to funding agencies. But that doesn’t lower costs at all; it only shifts them. To truly lower costs, stop trying to make open access mandatory.
The World Conferences on Research Integrity Foundation (WCRIF) is building a network of early career researchers and professionals in research integrity to promote peer-to-peer mentorship, supports researchers in furthering their careers in RI, and fostering a global community that supports research with integrity.
How can academia better accommodate the diverse needs of parents striving to balance their research pursuits with family responsibilities?
In today’s Kitchen Essentials, Roger Schonfeld speaks with Laurie G. Arp of Lyrasis, whose mission is to support enduring access to the world’s shared academic, scientific and cultural heritage.
National PID strategies are on the rise. In this post, Phill Jones reports the findings of cost-benefit analysis of investment in PIDs and research infrastructure in Ireland.
The 2025 policy continues 2021 compliance requirements while also imposing additional mandates and eliminating financial support for open access publishing.
The federal government is mandating that the knowledge and data produced from federal grants be widely available for our collective good. Libraries remain under-resourced to make this happen. Let’s add some new metrics and language to this narrative to help articulate the value of libraries.
In today’s Kitchen Essentials interview, Roger Schonfeld speaks with Tracey Armstrong of CCC, the information solutions provider to organizations around the world.
The nationwide audit of retracted articles in China underscores the interconnectedness of stakeholders within the research ecosystem and emphasizes the importance of aligning incentives and priorities to foster a culture of integrity and accountability. Can similar efforts be applied globally to cultivate a culture of accountability and transparency?
A classification scheme for open access business models.
The Generations Fund is celebrating its next milestone achievement and SSP thanks 373 Individual & Organizational Contributors.
A new report “Developing a US PID National Strategy,” outlines the desirable characteristics of Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) and sets the foundation for a cohesive US national strategy.