United2Act Against Paper Mills: Fighting Fraud that Corrupts the Scholarly Record
Fraud is undermining the integrity of the scholarly record. United2Act is striking back at paper mills.
Fraud is undermining the integrity of the scholarly record. United2Act is striking back at paper mills.
The scholarly publishing sector is undergoing its second digital transformation. Today, Ithaka S+R reviews this strategic landscape as part of a broader analysis of the shared infrastructure that supports scholarly communication.
Themes and ideas from the Fortune Brainstorm AI. “People won’t lose their jobs to AI; they’ll lose their jobs to people that are using AI.”
The AI takeover isn’t all doom and gloom. Finally, a long running musical question can be answered.
Wiley’s Jay Flynn discusses the impact that paper mills had on Hindawi’s publishing program and how all stakeholders must collaborate to address behaviors that undermine research integrity.
Observations on reproducibility and research integrity from London STM Week
What if even by saying “fake science” you inadvertently participate in a scam? What if this phrase legitimizes fraud, lies, and deceit? Let’s call it what it is – dupery.
A recent data falsification scandal in Alzheimer’s research raises new questions about perverse incentives in the culture and practice of science.
Robert Harington and Melinda Baldwin discuss whether peer review has a role to play in uncovering scientific fraud.
Roger Schonfeld argues that openness and politicization together have enabled public trust in science to erode. And science is insufficiently trustworthy. The scholarly communication sector must not ignore this situation.
The DocMaps Project offers a machine-readable, interoperable and extensible framework for capturing valuable context about the processes used to create research products such as journal articles.
Should library patrons be concerned about how Elsevier uses ThreatMetrix and how it tracks users? It’s complicated.
Scholarly publishing needs a scalable, easily adopted, and industry-wide approach to the problem of author manuscripts including citations to articles in fraudulent journals.
The Forbes Pigment Collection offers a unique library of materials for the preservation and analysis of artworks.