The New York Times has been the most prominent newspaper for the last decade, and its efforts to innovate, remain relevant, and overcome adversity have made headlines throughout the business media. Now, a documentary of a year in the life of the Times is on its way.

The movie makers behind this have a knack for making movies about inherently boring things (PowerPoint presentations, newspapers) interesting and informative. It looks like they’ve done it again.

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Kent Anderson

Kent Anderson

Kent Anderson is the CEO of RedLink and RedLink Network, a past-President of SSP, and the founder of the Scholarly Kitchen. He has worked as Publisher at AAAS/Science, CEO/Publisher of JBJS, Inc., a publishing executive at the Massachusetts Medical Society, Publishing Director of the New England Journal of Medicine, and Director of Medical Journals at the American Academy of Pediatrics. Opinions on social media or blogs are his own.


4 Thoughts on ""Page One" — The New York Times Documentary Is Coming"

What, no Sam Tanenhaus and the NYTBR here? Maybe the book review is already being consigned to the trash heap of print newspaper history.

I try to watch the the new york times documentary but the video is no longer available.

I think the documentary video is available in youtube.

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