Everyone has an opinion about the OSTP Policy memo! Come over and hear what the Chefs have to say and share your opinions with us. Part 1 of a 2 part post.
A Humanities and Social Sciences Publishing Professionals Community of Interest Network is launching! An interview with facilitators Laura Ansley and Dawn Durante about the group and its focus –and how it’s meeting a clear need.
What brings humanities infrastructure together — whether materials-based (content) or process-based (projects) or tools-based (platforms and laboratories) — is an iterative process of knowledge creation. Revisiting a post from 2020.
Today Angela Cochran revisits a post from 2016 on “revise and resubmit” decisions and what it means for authors and editors. Do new peer review models or cascading programs change the use of “revise and resubmit”?
If we don’t know what citations mean, what does it mean when we count them? Revisiting a 2015 (!) post in light of recent developments in citation metrics and impact.
Avi Staiman suggests revamping the peer review process to make it less about tearing down the work of others, and more about helping authors improve their papers.
Silverchair, which provides vital digital infrastructure for the publishing sector, will remain independent (for now, at least) as a result of new majority ownership by private equity.
This final post in the “Reducing the Burden of Diversity tax” series makes recommendations for organizations to reduce the burden of diversity tax on all stakeholders.
This third post in the “Reducing the Burden of Diversity tax” series makes recommendations for allies to reduce the burden of diversity tax on their colleagues.